Sunday, December 12, 2010


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Free printable gift tags!

Free online homeschool planner

Free homeschool resources page!

Educational games FREE

January Homeschool Planner - Free Download 

 If you are ready to begin making plans for January's homeschooling,
here is a free downloadable planner for January 2011. This download
comes complete with month and week calendars, 3 different lesson plan
forms to fit your individual needs, and a variety of forms for unit
planning, daily assignments, spelling and vocabulary words, library
books, reading log and chore charts.

Preview the January planner now!
Ready to download? Click here

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Curriculum 2010

Read the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke

Picture Study:
Adoration of the Shepherds by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Read Aloud
Keeping Christmas by Henry Van Dyke
Christmas Every Day By William Dean Howells
The Gingerbread Boy

In the Week Christmas Comes Eleanor Farjeon
People, Look East by Eleanor Farjeon

Tell Me the Story of Jesus

Make Gingerbread cookies

Isaiah 9:6, Galatians 4:4-6, John 3:16

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Christmas Math and Worksheets

Saturday, August 7, 2010

C-SPAN's New American Presidents Timeline Poster

C-SPAN is delighted to announce our new American Presidents Timeline poster for classrooms. The 6ft long poster details the lives and public service careers of every president, plus key historical events, Supreme Court cases, and technology milestones throughout 280 years of Presidential history. They are free of charge to C-SPAN Classroom members. To reserve yours, simply log-in and click on "Get Offer" below! *(limit of one poster per member and only available to members with an address inside the continental U.S.A.)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great Moments in Public Education

A school district in Massachusetts has banned the Pledge of Allegiance from its classrooms, Fox News reports:

Charles Skidmore, principal of Arlington High School in Arlington, Mass., has offered to allow students to recite the pledge before school begins--but in the school's foyer and not in the classrooms, as 17-year-old Harrington had hoped.

Kathleen Bodie, Arlington superintendent of schools, told Fox News Radio that "The principal wanted to be very respectful about the pledge and be sensitive to the Supreme Court ruling that students are not forced to say the pledge. He wanted to be sensitive to the diverse group of students we have."

Bodie said there has been reluctance to put the district's teachers in a position of reciting the pledge, and she acknowledged that some have raised concerns about its inclusion of the words "under God."

Now you may think these teachers are unpatriotic. But there's another possible explanation. Consider this Associated Press dispatch:

The school superintendent in Springfield, Mass., has taken responsibility for tests given to the district's 11th- and 12th-graders that were rife with spelling, grammatical and factual errors.

Two tests given in May to about 2,600 students contained about 100 errors combined.

The mistakes included the phrases "truning around" and "For God's skae," as well as a note on one test that read "This is the end of the Test," when there were two more pages.

If Massachusetts teachers can't get simple phrases like these right, how can they possibly be expected not to bungle the Pledge of Allegiance?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Help oppose United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Today parental rights are coming under assault from federal judges who deny or refuse to recognize these rights. Adding further danger to the child-parent relationship, international law seeking to undermine the parental role is advancing on the horizon. Together, these threats are converging to create a "perfect storm" that looms over the child-parent relationship.
According to
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, often referred to as CRC or UNCRC, is an international convention setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children. Nations that ratify this international convention are bound to it by international law. Compliance is monitored by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child which is composed of members from countries around the world. Once a year, the Committee submits a report to the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, which also hears a statement from the CRC Chair, and the Assembly adopts a Resolution on the Rights of the Child.[4]
Governments of countries that have ratified the Convention are required to report to, and appear before, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child periodically to be examined on their progress with regards to the advancement of the implementation of the Convention and the status of child rights in their country. Their reports and the committee's written views and concerns are available on the committee's website.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention and opened it for signature on 20 November 1989 (the 30th anniversary of its Declaration of the Rights of the Child).[5] It came into force on 2 September 1990, after it was ratified by the required number of nations. As of December 2008, 193 countries have ratified it,[1] including every member of the United Nations except the United States and Somalia.[4][6]
Two optional protocols were adopted on 25 May 2000. The first one restricts the involvement of children in military conflicts, and the second one prohibits the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Both protocols have been ratified by more than 120 states.[7][8]
This poses a serious threat both to parental rights and to U.S. sovereignty, as the UNCRC dictates not only that the federal government must intrude into the family sphere to an unprecedented degree, but also how the federal government is to monitor and govern the actions of our families.  Parental rights would be replaced by "the best interests of the child" as defined, ultimately, by an international committee of 18 people in Switzerland.
To read more on the dangers of this treaty, and how it poses a serious threat to parental rights and American freedom, please visit
Download actual UN Convention documents here.
SR 519 Approaches Half-way Point
The Senate resolution opposing ratification of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child is very near the half-way point, with 16 of the needed 34 cosponsors already signed on. To reach this level of success in so short a time is very encouraging – but they still have a ways to go, and need to get there quickly!
If your senator is a Republican, there is no reason for him not to sign on, so is targeting that group this week. The only reason many have not cosponsored yet is that they don’t think it is important enough to make the effort – and your phone calls are needed to change that perception. If they get enough phone calls about an issue, it becomes important, so we need you to make SR 519 vital to them!
If Your Senator Is a Democrat...
...don’t quit calling. This is not a partisan issue, and there is a chance your senator may sign on. Find their Washington number at, and urge them to oppose international law by co-sponsoring SR 519. And tell your friends so they can call, too!
If Your Senator Is a Republican and Not a Cosponsor...
...he is one of the targets this week. Please take the following actions:
1. Call your Senators. Tell them we don’t want international law running our country. Tell them to seize this opportunity to win a victory against the Obama agenda.
To easily check their status and get their Washington phone numbers, find your state on the list at If you have already called their D.C. office, please call their District Offices at the numbers listed below. Alternate every couple of days and keep calling both offices!

AL  Sen. Richard Shelby
(334) 223-7303

AK  Sen. Lisa Murkowski

FL  Sen. George LeMieux

ID  Sen. Mike Crapo

IN  Sen. Richard Lugar
(317) 226-5555

KS  Sen. Sam Brownback
(316) 264-8066

KS  Sen. Pat Roberts
(785) 295-2745

LA  Sen. David Vitter

ME  Sen. Susan Collins
(207) 622-8414

ME  Sen. Olympia Snowe
(207) 622-8292

MA  Sen. Scott Brown
(617) 565-3170

MS  Sen. Thad Cochran

MO  Sen. Chris Bond
(573) 634-2488

NE  Sen. Mike Johanns
(402) 476-1400

NH  Sen. Judd Gregg
(603) 225-7115

OH  Sen. George Voinovich
(216) 522-7095

SC  Sen. Lindsey Graham
(803) 933-0112

TN  Sen. Lamar Alexander
(615) 736-5129

TN  Sen. Bob Corker

TX  Sen. John Cornyn

UT  Sen. Robert Bennett
(801) 524-5933

UT  Sen. Orrin Hatch
(801) 524-4380

WY  Sen. John Barrasso

WY  Sen. Michael Enzi
(307) 772-2477

2. Tell your friends. Every chance you get, tell your friends about the dangers of the CRC, the UN’s treaty that would transform parental authority into a treaty obligation of the national government, making Washington responsible to ensure that you raise your kids according to UN standards. Send them to to sign the petition (or have them sign a printed copy), and encourage them to join you in calling your senators! If Your Senator Has Already Sponsored...
...please send him a thank you letter or card expressing your appreciation:

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
7550 Halcyon Summit Dr., Suite 150,
Montgomery, AL 36117

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
2200 East Camelback, Suite 120
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
5353 North 16th Street, Suite 105
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
100 Galleria Pkwy., Suite 1340
Atlanta, GA 30339

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
1 Overton Park Suite 970
3625 Cumberland Blvd.
Atlanta, GA 30339

Sen. James Risch (R-ID)
350 North 9th Street, Suite 302
Boise, ID 83702

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)
721 Federal Bldg., 210 Walnut St.
Des Moines, IA 50309

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY)
600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place
Rm. 1072b
Louisville, KY 40202

Sen. Roger Wicker (R- MS)
245 East Capitol St., Suite 226
Jackson, MS 39201

Sen. John Ensign (R-NV)
400 S. Virginia St., Suite 738
Reno, NV 89501

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
201 N. Front St., Suite 809
Wilmington, NC 28401

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)
100 North Broadway, Suite 1820
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)
1900 NW Expressway St., Suite 1210
Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
1901 Main St., Suite 1475
Columbia, SC 29201

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)
320 N. Main Ave., Suite B
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
961 Federal Building
300 East 8th Street
Austin, Texas 78701

Call Your Congressman If your Congressman is not already a cosponsor of the Parental Rights Amendment (HJRes. 42), call and urge him to sign on. As the elections approach, candidates from both parties are beginning to realize that the parental rights issue is vital to all Americans. Representatives from either party may wish to sign on now to help their re-election campaigns. You might want to mention this to them, as well.
To take action, visit and click on your state. Then, if your Congressman is not already a cosponsor, click on his name to get his contact information – and give him a call. Tell him you believe parental rights will be a major issue this election, and that it can only help his chances if he defends parental rights by cosponsoring HJRes. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment. Be courteous, and thank the staff workers for their time.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Review: God's Promises for Boys

God's Promises for Boys By Jack Countryman & Amy Parker

God's Promises for Boys is a children's book directed to boys, hence the title, though my daughter  enjoyed it also. The appropriate age for this book would be anywhere between 4-8 years(depending on how mature your child is) This book has 127 pages of God's promises as found in the Bible. There are many different subjects that pertain to a young boys life. Each subject has several bible verses to implement that part of the book. There are also cute pictures throughout the book to peak your child's interest.

My son who is 5 has enjoyed looking through the pictures(he isn't a reader yet). I have been reading to him and he doesn't seem too interested in what I am reading. On the other hand when his sister read this to him they sat on the couch soaking everything in for about 45 minutes. I like the strong scriptural references in this book. They show how the Bible has answers and solutions to every day life. Even for a little boy! The only frustration I have with this book is that the translation of the Bible verses are from "International Children's Bible"  we are King James readers and my kids get a little confused by the different wordings.

I think this would be a great reference tool for all growing boys. This is a book that may not stay on the bookshelf.
I received this book free to review, as a member of BookSneeze.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why Public School Is Not An Option

Excerpts from Leah's Labyrinth

1.“You shall not steal.” (Ex 20:15)
The public education system is inherently corrupt and breaks the eighth commandment. The government forces people to pay for the education of other people’s children.

2.“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30)
There is no neutrality, especially when it comes to education. All information is coming from someone with a particular world view.

3. “A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6:40)
Who will be my child’s teacher? Someone with Pharaoh’s stamp on them, who teaches in Pharaoh’s courts, approved by Pharaoh?

4. “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deut 6:6-7)
The Bible says I, the parent, am to disciple my children from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed.

5.”Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” (Prov 22:6)
Who is doing the training? The anti-Christ government?

6. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14)
My immature, sponge-brained children have no business being shaped and molded with heathen and pagan children.

There is so much wisdom in this post. Please click here to read the full article.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Birthday

Last Saturday I turned 31!  Though I am a little perturbed about getting older I feel very blessed and fulfilled.

No, I don't have a college degree or a career. I don't have a big fancy house with a two car garage. I'm not loaded with money nor go on exotic vacations. I don't have expensive cars. I don't have a supermodel body and I'm more plain jane than beautiful(Chris may disagree). I don't have all the things that most of society would count as important. My motto is of course "The best things in life....are not things!"

What do I have you ask? I have God's saving grace which is by far the most important thing to have. I have a wonderful husband who makes it his business to take care of his family. I have two of the most wonderful children I could of ever asked for. I have a home, albeit it's a small home, but that is all I ask. I have this and sooooo much more. I can't really describe how blessed I feel right now!

Thank you Lord for everything you have given me!

Friday, January 15, 2010


God made you.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.(Psalm 139:13-14, Isaiah 44:2, Jeremiah 1:5)

God sustains you.
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.(Nehemiah 9:6, Psalm 36:6, Hebrews 1:3, II Peter 3:7)

God owns you.
Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.(I Chronicles 29:11, Romans 14:8, Ezekiel 18:4, Deuteronomy 32:6, Exodus 19:5)

God judges you.
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:(Hebrews 10:30, Psalms 96:13, John 5:28-29, Matthew 10:26, Romans 14:10-12, Psalms 22:29)

Sin allows no good.
Romans 3:10-12 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.(Ecclesiastes 7:20, Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 7:18-24, Romans 3:23, James 2:10, Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15, I John 1:8-10, Proverbs 20:9, I Kings 8:46, Psalm 24:3-4, James 4:17, I John 5:17, Psalm 5:3-5)

Sin makes even your "righteous" acts filthy.
Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.(Psalms 14:3, Psalms 53:2-3, Ezra 9:11, I John 3:4, Exodus 34:7, Job 10:14)

Sin has separated you from God.
Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.(John 9:31, Genesis 2:22-24, Proverbs 15:29, Micah 3:4, Proverbs 28:9, Psalms 66:18, Zechariah 7:12-13, Habakkuk 1:13)

Sin will send you to the lake of fire.
[Revelation 20:10-15] And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.(Revelation 21:8, Revelation 19:20, II Peter 2:4-6, II Thessalonians 1:8-9, Matthew 25:41, Matthew 13:40-42, Psalms 9:16-17, Psalms 11:6, II Peter 3:7, Mark 9:42-48)

God will judge you according to the Bible.
John 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.(Romans 2:16, Hebrews 12:25)

God loves you.
Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.(I John 3:16, I John 3:1, John 16:27, Ephesians 2:4)

Jesus shed his blood for your sin.
Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.(Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14,20, Romans 5:9, Isaiah 53:4-10, Revelation 1:5)

Jesus shed his blood to meet God's requirement.
Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.(Hebrews 9:7, Leviticus 17:11, Genesis 3:21, Exodus 12:13)

Jesus made a perfect sacrifice to redeem you.
Hebrews 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.(Hebrews 10:10, Romans 5:10, II Corinthians 5:18, I Peter 2:25, Hebrews 9:24-28, II Corinthians 5:14-15, I Peter 3:18, Romans 6:10, I John 4:9-10, I John 2:2, I John 3:5, Romans 3:25, Galatians 3:13, Titus 2:4)

Jesus will make you perfect forever.
Hebrews 10:12, 14 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.(Colossians 1:20-22, II Corinthians 5:21, Romans 4:5-8, Romans 6:6-8, Romans 8:1-2, John 5:24, John 11:25-26, II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 3:3, Hebrews 10:17-18, Psalms 32:1-2, Psalms 103:12, Jeremiah 31:34, I Peter 2:24)

Jesus is your only way to heaven.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.(Acts 4:12, John 10:1,7-9, Galatians 1:8-9, Mark 8:36-37, Romans 3:19-20, Titus 3:5, II Timothy 1:9, Acts 8:20, Hebrews 2:3, John 3:17, Acts 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-9)

Jesus is God's gift.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.(II Corinthians 9:15, John 4:10, I John 5:11, Romans 8:32, Romans 5:15, Romans 3:24)

You must receive Jesus.
John 1:12, 13 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.(Galatians 4:6, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9-10, Revelation 3:20, John 14:16,17,20)

You must be born again.
[John 3:1-7] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.(I Peter 1:23, Matthew 18:3, I Corinthians 2:14, Romans 8:8, John 6:63, I Corinthians 1:29, Hebrews 2:9, Ephesians 2:5, I John 5:4-5, I John 3:9, I John 2:29)

You must believe the gospel.
[1 Corinthians 15:1-4] ...I declare unto you the gospel...By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain...Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:(Hebrews 11:6, John 3:18, John 3:36, Romans 3:27-28, Romans 9:30-33, John 3:16, John 20:31, Acts 10:43)

You must believe Jesus is God.
John 8:24, 58 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.(Exodus 3:14, John 5:23, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 43:11, Acts 13:23, I John 4:14, I Timothy 4:10, Luke 2:11, I Timothy 1:1, I Timothy 2:3, John 10:30-33, John 14:7-9, Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 4:8-10, Matthew 9:18-19, Revelation 22:8-9, Psalms 50:6, Psalms 9:7-8, John 5:22, Romans 14:10-12, I John 5:7, Colossians 2:9, Colossians 1:16, John 1:1-3, Isaiah 44:24, I John 3:16, Acts 20:28, I Timothy 3:16, John 1:14, John 1:10)

You must repent.
Luke 13:3, 5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.(Acts 17:30, Acts 3:19, Mark 1:15, Luke 24:47, Luke 15:7, II Corinthians 7:9-10, Job 33:27-28, II Peter 3:9)

You must confess.
Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.(Matthew 10:32-33, Luke 12:8-9, Philippians 2:11-13, I John 4:2-3, I John 4:15, II John 7, John 12:42-43)

You must call on the Lord to be saved.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.(Acts 2:21, I Corinthinas 1:2, Psalms 55:16)

For scripture references in brackets [ ], please see your Bible for the full text............BibleGateway
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?" — C.F. Potter, signer of Humanist Manifesto 1930

"Open war is upon you whether you will risk it or not!" — Aragorn, "Return of the King"