Saturday, November 26, 2011

Win a Kindle!

If your anything like me, you love reading and you love reading classics. There is such an amazing abundance of free classics all over the web. You can find many of these classics at websites like:

Google Books

Project Gutenberg


And I'm sure if you searched you could find many more!

I read most of my free books using Amazon's Free Kindle Apps. I've been wanting to splurge and buy myself an actual Kindle, but haven't actually done it yet. Seems there are always other expenses needing my money. 

Thanks to Freely Educate I now have an opportunity to win a Kindle! And so can YOU!! (said in my most cheesiest commercial voice)

So if you are anything like me (or not) go enter to win, ASAP, this contest ends Monday.

Hey, while you're there be sure to check out all the awesome free stuff to be found. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanksgiving School ideas

THANKSGIV'ING, n. The act of rendering thanks or expressing gratitude for favors or mercies.
Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if received with thanksgiving. 1 Tim.4.
1. A public celebration of divine goodness; also, a day set apart for religious services, specially to acknowledge the goodness of God, either in any remarkable deliverance from calamities or danger, or in the ordinary dispensation of his bounties. The practice of appointing an annual thanksgiving originated in New England. --1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language

Thanksgiving Poems

An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott

Holiday Bundle - 5 Thanksgiving Units ($2.00)

Thanksgiving Resources  Long list @ The Home School Mom

Talk Like a Pilgrim

Plimoth Plantation Virtual Field Trips

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Little Man is Growing Up

November 6th was the day Joel turned 7. Can you believe it? Well, I can't. He has always been my baby and now look at him.
My Big Boy

I didn't make his cake because I was sick pretty much the entire week before his birthday, so I was a little low on energy.

Why are their birthdays always so bittersweet?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Labor Day Holiday Helper - Free Download

 In its pages you will find all you need to make the holiday meaningful and rich: living ideas, poems, stories, copywork and a fascinating picture study by Ford Maddox Ford entitled, "Work."

To get similar links like this delivered to your email just sign up for the "Get-Acquainted Pack" at
Living Books Curriculum. It's worth it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free Geography Links

Seterra Geography Quiz Game
Downloadable Map Quiz Game

AAA Geography
Online worksheets with practice, play and explore sections.

Coloring Castle
Simple blackline maps of individual states. Grades 3-8.

World Atlas Blank Outline Maps

An easy introduction to the study of geography
Geography book

United States printable worksheets

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Early Education

Brainpop Jr.
Junior version of BrainPop. Pay site with some free items on it. Geared to the visual
learner. Grades K-3.

Brightly Beaming Resources
Complete preschool curriculum online Grades PreK-K.

Childcare Land
Early learning activities for Pre-K and K. Grades PreK-K.

Christian Preschool Printables
Links to lots of websites. Grades PreK-3.

Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities
Lots of quality crafts and activities for kids including Bible crafts and VBS. Grades K-3.

DLTK's Growing Together
Crafts and educational activities. Links to several other DLTK sites. Grades K-3.

Everything Preschool - Early Childhood Education Made Easy
Lesson plans, alphabet ideas and coloring pages. Grades PreK-1.

First School
Early education website in Spanish. Look for link at bottom for English version. Sister
site to the DTLK sites. Grades K-1.

Fisher Price
Educational coloring pages include shapes, letters, numbers and number concepts.
Grades K-1.

Hubbard's Cupboard
Downloadable in all early education subjects. Grades K-1.

Jan Brett, author
Coloring pages, holiday activities, games and more. Most use her signature Hedgehog
character. Grades K-5.

Kelly's Kindergarten
Complete Kindergarten curriculum. Monthly calendar with worksheet assignments and
worksheets in one file. Grades K-1.

Kinder Printables
Worksheets for Kindergarten. A lot of the links are still under development but some
are working. Grades K-1.

Kinder Teacher
Free material is under the Homework-Monthly ideas. More in-depth K activities than
most offerings. Grades K-1.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Copywork/quotes on God & Our Country

Useful as history quotes for discussion, historic purposes, copywork, memory work...your choice.

Also check out this book. I have it and love reading through all the great quotes and mini-biographies.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dog Days

image courtesy of dibytes
I love the “dog days of summer”. I love to feel the warmth of the sun! My St. Bernard, on the other hand, is looking forward to winter. I used to love winter and still do but nowadays I can only handle so much of it. You see, I'm pretty much cold during the whole winter and can never get warm. That can get tiring after a while. If I had a fire place that would be a different story. I'd probably sit in front of it all winter long and be content. 

Here are all the things I love summer for: 
Longer daylight 
Green everywhere (my favorite color) 
Lightning Bugs or Fireflies (depends on what you want to call them) 
Starry skies at night
Listening to the frogs sing in the evening 
Listening to the birds sing in the morning 
Enjoying lots of play time with the kiddos 

I'm sure there is more I just can't think of any of it right now

Of course, most good things have their down side too. A few things I don't like about summer; mosquitoes (we have a lot around here), humidity, lawn mowing. 

I'm actually enjoying my summer though. We are doing a little summer school. We are reading a nature reader and a history reader, doing some math work etc. How is your summer?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Bucket List 2011


I thought this was a great idea, especially since I wanted to accomplish a lot with the kids for the summer. We probably won't complete everything off this list, though.


Pure Summer Fun

  • Local Fishing Fair
  • St. Louis Zoo
  • Picnic
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Regular trips to the park
  • Farmer's Market
  • Flea Market
  • Go on the bike trail often
  • Catch Lightning Bugs - A must
  • Make ice cream
  • Road trip
  • Read together
  • Watch fireworks
  • Go to a patio concert
  • Pirate Festival
  • Make sun tea

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life in May 2011

What a long month it has been. Yet, it still seems to have flown by.

I had a lovely Mother's Day because, after church, we went to used book sale! I love books, especially if they are cheap. I even found some books we will be needing for the next school year. I got a big box full for only $14.  I was really excited because I found the complete Anne of Green Gables series for 25 cents a piece.  

I had a birthday this month. That means I am now 32. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I kind of feel like this means I'm getting old but I honestly don't feel old. I'll just take it one year at a time. I am praying that I can age with grace. I don't want to make a big deal about getting wrinkles. Even though I feel a little panicky when I look in the mirror and see crow's feet and a line going straight across my forehead. This post is pretty inspiring.

My family had a reunion. We have it every year at a park. We actually lucked out on the weather because they were calling for storms for that day..

I also have some news worth rejoicing over! Trista was baptized this month. I'm so proud of her! Below is a video of my cousin, who was just ordained the week before, baptizing her. 

We also had some crazy wind here and lost the top half of one of our maples. Now it is only half its height.

When it hasn't been raining or storming we have been spending a majority of our days outside. We had a pretty good month. We are now looking forward to June and summer!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Give Yourself a Break

We all have those days where we feel utterly stressed out and burdened by all of our responsibilities. We (especially me) can tremendously benefit if we learn when it is best to give ourselves a break.

If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play! If she would only have courage to let everything go when life becomes too tense, and just take a day, or half a day, out in the fields, or with a favourite book, or in a picture gallery looking long and well at just two or three pictures, or in bed, without the children, life would go on far more happily for both children and parents.  – Charlotte Mason (Vol. 3, ch. 3, pg. 33-40)

If we keep going under pressure, with no time to ourselves to just breath, we tend to start taking it out on those around us. We snap and bicker and are generally unpleasant to be around. Just imagine what a great benefit it would be for our families and us, if we took the time to free our minds from all that hassle just for a short time to give ourselves a fresh start. I would also add more to the above. If we find ourselves particularly upset, it is always good to turn to the Lord. Perhaps spending time praying, worshiping and studying the word would be especially valuable.

I am writing this because I have been feeling a heaviness of heart. I'm sure someone else would benefit with a little reminder.

Monday, April 18, 2011

[LBC] Free Easter Holiday Helper‏

 From Living Books Curriculum:
Every Christian home celebrates Resurrection Day, but not every homeschool.
Often because the homeschooling parent doesn't know how to present it in a living way. Living Books Curriculum has created a Holiday Helper for you that beautifully expresses the day in poem, story, song, and great art. You will especially appreciate the "First Easter" which explains the Resurrection for young children with faithfulness to the gospel account.
The poems, stirring paintings, and song will lift and inspire and are ready to use for a busy homeschooling mom with helps along the way.

LBC's Easter Holiday Helper...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Khan Academy

I want to talk about how much I love  Khan Academy Math!

I have been thinking about getting Teaching Textbooks for Little Lady for awhile now. I just have not been able to bring myself to pay for it. She struggles with math, and I needed something to help me out in teaching it because I'm not the greatest at the subject myself.

Then, comes in Khan Academy. I have heard about it before but never actually looked into it. I was reintroduced to it while reading through Freely Educate. So, I decided to give it a try. We have been using it for a week or so now and I think I have it all figured out.

You watch videos that explain the concept you are working on. Then, you do the exercises. Once you do 10 correct in a row you are considered proficient. You can now move on to the next concept. What I really like about it is the knowledge map. It shows you what exercises you have become proficient in, which exercises they suggest you do next and it also suggests reviews of previously completed exercises.

It may not be exactly the same thing as Teaching Textbooks but if you would like an onscreen "tutor" to help your child with math without a hefty price-tag this may be what you are looking for.

Knowledge Map

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Empty Tomb Cookies

This is cool! Parents, here is an EXCELLENT cooking project to do with your kids to prepare their hearts (and yours) for Easter!! First ingredient: A Bible!
"My daughter and I did this last year and it is a MUST! Not only did she thoroughly enjoy it, but every time she sees vinegar, she tells me that it is what they gave Jesus to drink when he was on the Cross. The memories it creates are absolutely priceless."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Easter Scriptures Handwriting

If you would like to teach the Easter story while your children are
practicing their handwriting, you'll enjoy this download. Using
scriptures taken from Matthew chapters 26 - 28, this 69 page download
has been designed for multiple levels (containing 2 cursive and 1
manuscript set).

Preview Easter Scriptures Handwriting
You can download Easter Scriptures here

If you are looking for other Easter related downloads, here are a couple
to consider:

* Easter Notebooking

* Easter Coloring Book

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life in March 2011

Feb. 28th: We had a tornado come through down the street! Don't worry, this is not my house. I don't believe I ever heard wind sound so loud in my life. Surprisingly the only damage we got was a tree branch snapped from a tree in our backyard. We did lose our power for two days though.

Mar. 1st: Trista turned 9! She chose a shamrock theme for her party. I am a little sad that my baby girl is getting so big on me, but I'm so proud of the young lady she is becoming. :O)

Mar. 2nd: Since Trista has proved that she is responsible enough, her birthday present from us was to get her ears pierced!

Mar. 4th: After reading about Ancient Americans the kids made tepees.

Mar. 7th: Joel loves He would play on the site for hours if I let him. He is still struggling to learn to read. I'm not worried, I'd rather he go at his own pace than me pushing him too hard and causing him to hate reading.

Mar. 8th: After reading about DNA during our science studies we made these yummy edible DNA snacks.

Mar. 17th: We made Irish Soda bread for St. Patrick's Day. The crust turned out a little too hard, but it was yummy none the less.

Mar. 21st: After spending the week discussing tooth care for our Health & Safety topic we made a semi-healthy tooth snack. Kinda' creepy looking I know! We thought it was incredibly tasty.

Mar. 25th: After having some amazingly warm weather (near 80's) and watching all the wonderful signs of spring we got SNOW! I have to say we have had some crazy weather this winter. 15 inch of snow one day tornado warnings the next week. Then actually getting a tornado! It's been wild, I'm hoping for a normal summer, lol.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

free homeschool resource (free textbooks and courses)

This is an awesome free resource that includes free digital textbooks and courses in various subjects. There are physical science textbooks, algebra textbooks, courses on music appreciation and music theory, just to name a few.

A complete astronomy course for high school, along with some physics and Earth science and a upper level math thrown in.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Free Bible

Bible Coloring Pages
These are attractive and detailed coloring pages of scripture.

Hurlbut's Story of the Bible
Online book, Excellent!

Bible Classbooks
Questions & Maps by Book

Scripture and Science for Kids
Here you will find lots of easy to understand articles for elementary age students on science and creationism.  

Calvary Chapel Children's Bible lessons
325 lessons of both the Old and New Testament

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

Blue bird

I KNOW the song that the bluebird is singing,
Up in the apple-tree where hejs swinging, 
Brave little fellow! The skies may look dreary,— 
    Nothing cares he while his heart is so cheery.

   Hark! how the music leaps out from his throat!
   Hark! was there ever so merry a note?
   Listen a while and you'll hear what he's saying,
   Up in the apple-tree, swinging and swaying.

   "Dear little blossoms, down under the snow.
   You must be weary of winter, I know;
   Hark, while I sing you a message of cheer!
   Summer is coming and springtime is here.

   Little white snowdrop, I pray you arise,
   Bright little crocus, come, open your eyes;
   Sweet little violets hid from the cold,
   Put on your mantle of purple and gold!
   Daffodils! Daffodils! Say, do you hear?
   Summer is coming, and springtime is here!"

E. H. Miller

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Easter Coloring Book download

Here's a Easter Coloring Book (100 page download) Fun coloring pages of
bunnies, eggs, chicks, Easter lilies and the Easter story.
Download site <>

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Free eBook: St. Patrick The World’s Greatest Missionary

Click to view PDF
From CurrClick:

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner. I have put together a Holiday Helper just right for the busy parent. There is no preparation (except for easy, yummy soda bread), just time together to enjoy. There is a biography of Patrick that is rich and engaging, rare illustrations for study and learning, a recipe for real Irish soda bread and an essay you and your children won't want to miss, entitled, "The Real St. Patrick".
What's inside:

* The Real St. Patrick: An essay by Charles Mack
* St. Patrick, A biography from Our Island Saints
* Picture Study: Three In One
* Picture Study: St. Patrick Expels the Snakes
* Mapwork: Map of Ireland
* Recipe: Irish Soda Bread
* Copywork: St. Patrick's Breastplate

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Solar System Math: Comparing Size and Distance (Downloadable Curriculum)

NASA has created a downloadble curriculum series called Solar System
Math that provides fun, hands-on learning. The Solar System Math series

* I: Size and Distance
* II: Comparing Mass, Gravity, Composition, & Density
* III: Comparing Planetary Travel Distances
* IV: Analyzing Payload Size and Cost

Each of the above parts within the series includes a downloadable
student workbook, a teacher's guide and an answer key.

The first unit of the series is Solar System Math: Comparing Size and
Distance. (Preview now!
> )

The main concept of this unit: The Earth is the third planet from the
Sun in a system that includes Earth's moon, eight other planets
and their moons, and small bodies including asteroids and comets.
These bodies all vary greatly in terms of their size and their
distance from the Sun.

Math topics covered in the unit:

* Ratio and proportion
* Measurement with standard and metric units
* Unit conversion
* Scale
* Data analysis
* Problem solving

Major Focus Concepts


* Measurement involves measurement tools and measurement units that
have been determined by people.
* Different measurement tools and measurement units are used to
measure different properties. (Example: rulers with centimeters or
inches or yards are used to measure length.)


* In our solar system, nine planets of different sizes move around
the Sun in oval orbits that are known as elliptical orbits. These
elliptical orbits are very close to being circular orbits, so in order
to make our calculations easier, we will assume that the orbits are
* The sizes of all of the planets vary greatly and the distances
between them are so great that it is often easier to develop two
small-scale models, one for size and one for distance.
* The paths of most planets around our Sun do not vary that much,
which means that their orbits are nearly circular.
* Since each of the planets orbits the Sun at a different rate, the
planets' distances from each other at any given time vary a great

Preview Solar System Math: Comparing Size and Distance

Ready to download? The student workbook
> , teacher's guide
> and answer key
> can be download on the Christian
Home School Hub. (There is a $1 a year subscription fee which allows
for unlimited downloads from the CHSH site.)

You'll also find other related downloads as well on the Hub: Solar
System Exploration (NASA)
> , NASA Rockets
> and 321 Liftoff
> .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dollar Gen coupon printable 50% 0ff

Dollar Gen coupons printable 50% 0ff Home Decor plus more!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

March Activity Pages (Preschool thru 1st Grade)

March Activity Pages, designed for preschoolers through 1st grade.

What type of fun activities are included in the download?
-Coloring pages
-Dot to dot
-a.m. vs p.m.
-More and Less

What 'days' of March are highlighted in the download?
-Dr. Seuss' Birthday
-Daylight Savings
-Albert Einstein's Birthday
-St. Patrick's Day
-Johnny Appleseed Day
-Big Birds Birthday
-First Day of Spring

Preview March Activity Pages

Ready to download? You'll find the download available on the Christian
Home School Hub <>

(You will actually have to become a Platinum Member for $1 dollar/year to access downloads)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Crayola Lesson Plans

Art Projects for Kids

Color Me Masterpiece

Art Lesson Plans 

Art Posters
Print these out they are a great reference

Art Teacher on the Net
Variety of art project ideas. Scroll down for the Free Lesson Plans link. Grades K-12

How-to-Draw Animals by Jan Brett
Video tutorials

Mark Kistler's Online Art Lessons

Dover Sampler Pages

Coloring Pages

Updated 6/27/12


Attendance Calendar

Donna Young's Planners

Homeschool Tracker
Basic Edition is free

Homeschool Sked Track

Home School, Inc

Free Curriculum Planner

President's Day Curriculum

Picture Study:
George Washington Crossing the Delaware
Abe the Rail Splitter

Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected. --George Washington
A house divided against itself cannot stand. --Abraham Lincoln

The Cherry Tree
Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance

Free President's Day downloads!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

March 2011 Planner

Next month's planner - March 2011 - has been made available for download
(for those of you who love to be organized) on the Christian Home School

If you've never downloaded any of these monthly planners, you can
preview the entire download - Just click here
> .

If you want to download the planner, click here
> .

The Hub has a lot of downloads available for homeschoolers. Some of the
most recent ones include a President's Day (Living Books) download and a
Solar System Lithograph Set.

(You will actually have to become a Platinum Member for $1 dollar/year to access downloads)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reading List by Grade

I have been searching the web for a good book list by grade level. I wanted to find books that the kids can read just for fun that was at their appropriate reading level. I wanted a list so I could keep my eyes out for certain titles at flea markets and elsewhere.

My efforts have been pretty fruitless. So what is a Mother to do? Make my own of course.

This took me awhile to compile and I plan on adding to it slowly, but I thought I would share it here in case anyone would find it useful.

A child has not begun his education until he has acquired the habit of reading to himself, with interest and pleasure, books fully on a level with his intelligence. - Charlotte Mason

Reading List by Grade Level

Disclaimer: I put the reading levels of each book. That may not mean the book is age appropriate for that level. Always be wary of what you hand to your child to read. 

I used AR Book Finder for the reading levels.

 ETA: I just recently found this 
 Twaddle-Free Literature by Grade Level 

Friday, February 11, 2011

V is for Valentine (Activity Pages for Preschool thru Early Elementary

Valentine's Day is just a few days away and there is a 35 page, fun
download for children ages 3 to 8 called V is for Valentine!
Inside V is for Valentine you'll find activities designed to promote
early education skills such as letter and number recognition, tracing,
coloring, sorting, counting and printing. There are also pages designed
to allow creativity both through creative writing, picture drawing and
even creating a Valentine's Day card!

Preview "V for Valentine Activity Pages"

If you'd like to get V for Valentine Activity Pages, you'll find the
download available on the Christian Home School Hub
<> .

Here's some more Valentine's fun...

* Easy Valentine's Day Crafts
* Valentine's Day recipe Old Fashioned Red Candy Apples

Friday, February 4, 2011

Illinois Homeschoolers: ACTION REQUIRED!

Call To Action
New Bill to Require Parents to Register Their Children with the State
By Laurie Higgins, Director of IFI's DSA - Illinois Family Institute

Ed Maloney
State Senator (D-Chicago)

Chicago Office: 

Springfield Office:

Contact Sen. Maloney and your State Senator ask them to drop this unwarranted expansion of government.

A deeply troubling bill ( SB 136) has been proposed in the Illinois General Assembly by State Senator  Edward D. Maloney  (D-Chicago) that will affect all children in non-public schools, including home schools. 

Existing school code permits the voluntary registration of non-public school students with the state. If SB 136 were to pass, it would compel all parents or legal guardians of home or privately schooled students to register with the state. Registration that is now voluntary would become compulsory. The arguments used to justify such compulsory registration are specious and reveal underlying flawed assumptions.

TAKE ACTION:  Call Sen. Maloney's office at  773-881-4180  and ask him to drop this unwarranted expansion of government into the private lives and affairs of good Illinois citizens.  Click HERE to send him a fax or an email.

Sen. Maloney has expressed concern that those who homeschool their children are not accountable to anyone -- and by anyone, he clearly means any government employee. Does Sen. Maloney actually believe that the state has proved itself better at educating children than parents who homeschool? 

What Maloney fails to acknowledge is that many of these parents know that they are accountable to a much higher authority than the state. They know that they are accountable to God for the manner in which they educate, train, and nurture their children as well as how they steward their time, talents, and resources. 

Proponents of mandatory registration fail to address the serious problem of requiring parents to register with a government entity that is actively engaged in undermining their political, moral, and theological beliefs. At significant personal costs, these families are trying through homeschooling to avoid the subversive ideological indoctrination in which many public school teachers increasingly engage. 

Proponents fail to acknowledge that bias and censorship pervade public school curricula. The problems in public schools involve not merely what troubling ideas are being promoted to students but what ideas students are never exposed to because of systemic bias and censorship.

Proponents of this bill fail to address the likely, if not inevitable, slippery slope from registration to regulation . While SB 136 requires parents only to register their children with the state, it's naïve to think that our bloated and still ravenous state bureaucracy will not expand its purview to dictate curriculum, administer tests, monitor or evaluate student progress, require certification of those who serve as teachers, and/or mandate home visits by state officials -- all in the service of protecting children, of course. 

Those in favor of mandatory registration fail to provide any evidence for the need for such registration . Such evidence would need to be something far more substantive than anecdotal accounts of a few homeschool parents who have failed to educate adequately their children. And such evidence would need to prove that homeschooled students are failing at higher rates than students in public schools. If there were evidence, for example, that homeschooled students have poorer test scores; higher rates of suicide or drug and alcohol use; greater involvement in gang activity; feel less safe; have lower admission rates into colleges and universities; or have lower college retention and graduation rates than public school students, then perhaps there would be a case for mandatory registration. 

Since current research suggests that homeschooled students actually score higher on average than public school students, the effort to mandate registration must be driven by the baseless assumption that government bureaucrats are inherently more effective at protecting and educating children. If this assumption weren't so gallingly presumptuous, it would be laughable. 

Let's take a moment to clarify for hubristic politicians and public educators (which does not mean all public educators) what some current research reveals about homeschooled students.

The following statistics come from a  2009 study that explored "academic outcomes of home school students attending a medium sized, doctoral institution located in the Midwest": Homeschool students ACT Composite score 26.5--Public school ACT Composite score 25
Homeschool students ACT Reading score 28.2--Public school ACT Reading score 25.6
Homeschool students ACT English score 27.8--Public school ACT English score 24.5
Homeschool students ACT Science score 25--Public school ACT Science score 24.5
Homeschool students ACT Math score 24.6--Public school ACT Math score 24.7

The college retention rate for homeschool students was 88.6 percent as compared to 87.5 percent for public school students.

First year GPA for homeschool students was 3.41 as compared to 3.12 for public school students.

The four-year graduation rate for homeschool students was 68.7 percent as compared to 58.6 percent for public school students.  (For more information on the academic success of homeschool students  click HERE. )

Problems like poor test scores, high dropout rates, teenage pregnancies, teenage suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and gang activity are not common problems within the homeschooling community as they are in many government schools. Unmotivated teachers too are uncommon among home schools. 

So, Sen. Maloney believes that all homeschool and private school students in Illinois, including those who fare better than public school students, should be forced to register with the state that has demonstrably and miserably failed countless students over many years?

Has anyone calculated the additional costs to our bankrupt state that will be incurred if unwarranted compulsory state registration becomes the law for all non-public school students? 

Government bureaucrats and educators like  Bill Ayers  and his "agents of change" see themselves as academic experts nonpareil and the ultimate protectors of children. As a result, they arrogate to themselves the right to intrude without warrant into family business. 

Illinoisans should oppose this unjustifiable and needless expansion of governmental authority . This is especially important now as Illinois public schools stand poised to expand their advocacy of radical beliefs regarding homosexuality into every public elementary, middle, and high school, which IFI hopes will result in more families exiting public schools.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free History

BBC History for Kids

Lesson Pathways (K-5)
36 weeks of lessons for each grade

Heritage History
Many online History books

World History lesson plans and power point presentations

Patriotic Songs

Ancient Greece Coloring Pages
Beacon Lights of History by John Lord
History Books by M. B. Synge

History for Kids

Cooking by Country 
Make recipes from countries you are studying!

White House 101

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for kids

Rainbow Kids Cultures Alive
coloring pages, cultural info

A Book in Time
Links to history-related games and quizzes. Also gives links to crafts, timelines, maps and other history-related sites, as well as best books for history subjects. Listings offer grade level suggestions. Grades K-12

American Heritage Education Foundation
Order a free CD with K-12 lesson plans on American History. Non-profit organization
Grades K-12.

Year by Year

The Story of Civilization by Will & Ariel Durant (11 volumes in PDF & mp3 audiobook format)
This is a wonderful series, and is truly an amazing and engaging history of world civilization.
Timeline Figures
ClipArt ETC

Updated 6/27/12

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Free Math

Updated 6/27/12

Free Language Arts


Skill Builder: Black Line Masters (1st-6th)
Printable grammar workbooks

Intermediate language lessons By Emma Serl (4th-6th)
Online book

Grammar Land pdf (Ages 10-15)
An ingenious and amusing attempt to teach some of the elements of grammar by allegory and pictorial illustration. A wonderful introduction to the parts of speech for young and old. Numerous black and white illustrations complement the text.
Grammar-Land Worksheets

Daily Grammar
Consist of 440 lessons and 88 quizzes

Lessons in Language: Primer Book 1
Online book

Lessons in Language, Literature & Composition Book 2
Practical Lessons in English Grammar and Composition Book 3

Scott Foresman Online Grammar and Writing


Lesson Pathways-Reading and Phonics 
60 weeks of phonic lessons 20 weeks of lessons for K, 1st and 2nd grades

Progressive Phonics
Three Levels of Phonics   Lessons/Books/Printables

Starfall — Learn to Read
Start at ABC and work your way through the levels.

Dream English: Phonics for Kids
Free charts and worksheets for learning the alphabet. Grades PreK-1.


McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book (1st-12th)
Spelling progresses at each lesson.

Basic Cozy Spelling Course (6th-8th)
Lessons, Exercises and Dictation Exercises
50 spelling worksheets

All About Spelling (1st-7th)
Free spelling word list

A Modern Speller, Book One (2nd-4th)
Teaches spelling with the dictation method!

A Modern Speller, Book Two  (5th-8th)

Horn – Ashbaugh Speller (1st-8th)

Custom Word Searches can put word list in here


K-12 Lessons from Scholastic

Writing Prompts
by grade level (all grades)

WordlyWise 3000 
Click on "student" for word lists & games

Updated 6/27/12  

Free Science

Windows to the Universe (K - 12)
Free online tutorials, activities, coloring pages, etc. on Earth and Space science, includes art, poetry and myths related to the sun and planets

Math/Science Nucleus (K-12)
Science curriculum, includes lesson plans, online animated storybooks, slide shows

Otter's Homeschool Science Curriculum
Combines multiple ages, use "living books" and lots of hands on activities

How To Teach Science
Lessons and materials

Lesson Pathways (K-5)
36 weeks of lessons for each grade

McGraw Hill Science Workbooks

A Book of Natural History
Online book

The Elements of Geology (7th-10th)

Answers in Genesis (7th-12th)
Online Science books

Newton's Apple

A planetarium for your computer

Kid's Science Experiments

Steve Spangler Science Experiments

Science Bob Experiments

Virtual Chemistry

Updated 6/27/12

Free Foreign Language

The French Experiment
Online Lessons

Instant Replay
Videos and teacher guides that teach several different languages

Ahn's French primer
Online book 
Language Tutorials 

Free Language Software

Free Handwritting

Handwriting Worksheet Maker
Make your own handwriting pages

Donna Young's Printable Handwriting Lessons
Handwriting Worksheets, Paper, Tips, & Fonts

Famous Quote Copywork (pdf)
Print and Cursive

Print Copywork
Bible verses, quotes, poetry, hymns

Cursive Copywork
Bible verses, quotes, poetry

Simply Charlotte
Manuscript copywork pages. Grades K-5

Writing Wizard
Customizable handwriting worksheets in block and cursive. Allows for tracing lines.
Great for struggling writers. Grades K-5

Customizable handwriting templates: blank, spelling words, vocabulary. Grades K-6.

Paidea Classics
Copywork pages. Other freebies in the links on the right. Grades K-1.

Individual Letter Practice


First Grade Mazes

Updated 6/27/12

Free Typing
Online Free Touch Typing Program

Power Typing
Online free typing tutor

Good Typing
Online free typing course

Dance Mat Typing

Free Curriculum, books needed

Ambleside Online (PreK-12)
The curriculum in free and a lot of the books are also. Some books need to be bought or use the library.               

Simply Charlotte Mason (PreK-12)
Free curriculum Guide, books will need to be bought.

Core Knowledge (PreK-8)
Free Teacher Guides, Downloads & Forms

Charlotte Mason Help (PreK-6)
Free curriculum very similar to Ambleside Online.

Classical Christian Homeschooling
Free except the books

Milestones Academy
Similar to Ambleside but directed to LDS families. I imagine anyone could use it with a little tweaking.

You don't need to buy the instructor's guide. You can use the booklist as a guide and get the books at the library or used.

Tanglewood Education (1st-8th)

Classical House of Learning
FREE classical literature guides following a 4-year history cycle.

The Puritan's Homeschool Curriculum (K-12)
An amazingly large and in-depth collection of homeschool curriculum with a reformed Biblical perspective. There are over 100 full length texts in history, government, home economics, science & technology, literature, art and much more -- all downloadable in PDF format.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

100% Free

Easy Peasy — All in One Homeschool
This is great! Currently covers 1st through 7th grades. She will add more grades as her children get to them.

19th Century Schoolbooks
Baldwin Project
Classic children's literature by genre

An Old-Fashioned Education (PreK-12)
The curriculum is free and it uses all free online books. You don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to.

Donna Young
One of my favorite websites. Free Printables and resources. Love it!

Head of the Class (PreK-5, 5th just added! More grades to come)
This site has free printable worksheet along with online applications to complete.

Child Fun
Hundreds of pages of ideas, curriculum plans and activities.
Searchable database of free curriculum and educational resources.

World Book (PreK-12)
Free Course of Study to help you plan your school.

America Online At School
AOL resources site for students, teachers-parents.

Notebooking Pages
Has many free pages for printing.

Garden of Praise
Free online and printable teaching materials.

Letter of the Week
Preschool Curriculum

Discovery Channel
Free Teacher Resources

Education World Lesson Plans Pages
Mostly for PS teachers, but some good ideas here too.

Free lesson Forms
For reading, writing, spelling, history, math, etc.

Links to All Things Free for Homeschoolers
Title is self explanatory.

Robinson Curriculum Books - Sorted by Subject
All these books can be found online for free!

History Channel
Classroom resources

Learning Pages
Free worksheets, books, clip art

Lesson Plans Pages
Huge site of lesson plans

National Geographic Channel Lesson Plans

Over 400 free downloads

Baltimore Curriculum Project Lesson Plans (K-5)  --Scope and Sequence
Month-by-month free lesson plans for Art, Geo., Hist., Lit., Music & Sci.

Christian Preschool Printables
Bible Coloring Pages, Bible Verse Cards, Christian Lapbooks,
Christian File Folder Games, Felt Board Sets, Finger Puppets, Sunday School Lessons and
Homeschooling Curriculum, Bible ABC's and tons of fun Bible Activities and Bible Games.

Freely Educate

Homeschool College USA
"Homeschool College USA is designed for homeschooling high school students who would like to tailor their courses toward using college-level exams to earn college credits while completing their high school studies."

Updated 8/13/12
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?" — C.F. Potter, signer of Humanist Manifesto 1930

"Open war is upon you whether you will risk it or not!" — Aragorn, "Return of the King"