I'm going to start doing these "Weekly Wrap-ups" each week, as a way to record what we have done.
We actually started our new school year this week. Everyone else is enjoying their summer break, and we are doing school work. The kids would not hear of this summer break thing. We got our new books, and they were begging to start them right away. Joel even said in his whiniest voice, "Mom, If we don't do summer school, we will forget everything." I love that they love to learn so I gave in and let them so some work.
What we learned:
x Genesis 1 to 3 - read to Joel
x Rod and Staff english - 3 lessons
x Editor in Cheif - 1 lesson
x Math lessons - 3 exercises
x Daily Word Problems - 3 days
x Child's History of the World - Ch. 71 - Charles I
x Minn of the Mississippi - Ch. 1
x Daily Geography - 3 days
x Spectrum Science - Lesson 1.1
x Building Thinking Skills - 6 pages
Word Roots - 1 page
PLUS - Notebooking and Timeline activities!
x Genesis 1 to 3 - listened to Trista read
x Missionary Stories - Introduction
x Primary Language Lessons - Lesson 1
x Phonics Pathways - 2 pages
x The Boxcar Children (RA) - Ch. 1-2
x Math Lessons - 2 exercise
x Paddle to the Sea - Ch. 1
x Discovering Nature: All Nature Sings - 2 exercises
x Building Thinking Skills - 4 pages
I started Don Quixote exactly one month ago and am now on Chapter 26. This is actually my third time reading it, and I am seeing things in a different perspective. It is slightly difficult to motivate myself to read it everyday, since I have already read it, but I am still enjoying it.
We had fun roasting marshmallows over a bonfire Thursday night!