Friday, August 31, 2012

[LBC] FREE Holiday Helper with Picture Study, Copywork, Poetry....

I remember Labor Days past when I had no idea what the holiday meant. Was it more than a day off?
When I looked into it, I was quite surprised...and moved... by what I discovered.
Here's all I learned about the holiday as one of our very popular Holiday Helpers. In its pages you will find all you need to make the holiday meaningful and rich: living ideas, poems, stories, copywork and a fascinating picture study by Ford Maddox Ford entitled, "Work." ~    Sheila Carroll &
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"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?" — C.F. Potter, signer of Humanist Manifesto 1930

"Open war is upon you whether you will risk it or not!" — Aragorn, "Return of the King"